These syllables are the basis of the magic spells as used in Ultima V. They are interesting for the understanding of the Gargish language, because the Gargish alphabet is based on phonetic sounds. The importance of the following table was first shown by Minstrel Dragon. It should be noted, that the Gargish runes are substituted by their equivalent modern characters. Note that the Gargish characters ng and zh are written as a single rune.
Syllable | Idea | Sound | Gargish Writing |
AN | negate | ah n | an |
BET | small | b eh t | bet |
CORP | death | k oar p | korp |
DES | down | d eh ss | des |
EX | freedom | x | eks |
FLAM | flame | fl ah m | flam |
GRAV | energy | gr ah v | grav |
HUR | wind | h oo r | hur |
IN | create | ih n | in |
KAL | invoke | k ah l | kal |
LOR | light | l oa r | lor |
MANI | life | m ah n ee | mani |
NOX | poison | n ah ks | naks |
POR | movement | p oar | por |
QUAS | illusion | kw ah ss | kuas |
REL | change | r eh l | rel |
SANCT | protection | s aa ng kt | sae(ng)kt |
TYM | time | t ih m | tim |
UUS | up | oo ss | uus |
VAS | great | v ah ss | vas |
WIS | knowledge | w ee ss | uis |
XEN | creature | z eh n | (zh)en |
YLEM | matter | aye l eh m | ailem |
ZU | sleep | z oo | zu |
In the era of Ultima VI ancient syllables and spells were rediscovered, obviously closely linked to the Gargish language. The pronounciation of these syllables is not sure, but if we compare with the Gargish words, the following table is quite assuring:
Syllable | Idea | Sound | Gargish Writing |
JUX | danger | j oo ks | juks |
ORT | magic | oa rt | ort |
Another important role in Gargish language play the mantras an Avatar must know to pray in the ancient shrines of Britannia. The mantras are associated with the virtues the Britannian society used to consider important.
Mantra | Virtue | Sound | Gargish Writing |
AHM | Honesty | ah m | am |
MU | Compassion | m oo | mu |
RA | Valor | r ah | ra |
CAH | Sacrifice | k ah | kah |
BEH | Justice | b eh | beh |
SUMM | Honor | ss oo m | summ |
OM | Spirituality | oh m | om |
LUM | Humility | l oo m | lum |
MUL | Pride | m oo l | mul |
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Updated 25-Feb-97 Martin Brenner