The Runic Alphabet of the Gargoyle Language

This alphabet is used by the Gargoyle race living in the Underworld of Ultima VI. The use of the latin alphabet for translation of the characters shows the pronounciation of the symbols. See also the scroll about the connections of the phonetic meaning of magic spells and mantras with the Gargish language.

The Gargoyle Alphabet

                     .                 .                          .
                    _         .       _                          _
                   | |_|    _____    | |_|              ___     | |_|
   .      |        |   |      |          |        |    |   |    |
          |___     |___|    __|__     ___|     ___|    |___|    |___
          |   |               |      |   |    |   |             |   |
   _        a        b        ch       d        e        f        g
                    _         .       _         .         
  ___              | |_|     ___     | |_|               .
 |          |        |      |        |        |   |        |    |
 |___     __|__    __|__    |___     |___     |___|     ___|    |___
 |   |      |        |      |   |    | | |             |   |    | | |
   h        i        j        k        l        m        n        o

   .        .       _                  .                _
  ___      ___     | |_|     ___      ___              | |_|    _____
 |   |    |        |            |        |    |   |    |   |      |
 |___|    |___     |___      ___|     ___|    |___|    |___|    __|__
          | | |    |   |    |   |    |   |                        |
   p        kl       r        s        t        u        v        sh
  _                 _        _                           .
 | |_|      .      | |_|    | |_|     ___       .
   |      |            |    |        |        |          |
 __|__    |___      ___|    |___     |___     |___     __|__
   |      |   |    |   |    | | |    | | |    | | |      |
   zh       ng       z        gl       hl       nl       ny

If you have a table-capable browser, you can also use the graphics version of this document.

Note that the charcters ch, kl, sh, zh, ng, gl, hl, nl and ny don't have latin alphabet equivalents and are shown in place of latin characters which have no equivalent in Gargish. The correct order of the Gargish characters is shown in Origin's recently surfaced documentation of the Gargish language, which shows the 30 Gargish symbols ordered by their sound in a 6 by 5 matrix.

The characters forming the Gargoyle Script are now registered with the ConScript Unicode Registry, which uses the Unicode Private Use Space for constructed/artificial languages.

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Updated 25-Feb-97 Martin Brenner